Advocacy and Government
A running list of important municipal meetings, issues and discussions that could impact business owners in Oak Park, River Forest and Forest ParkMonday, December 3, 2018Mon., Dec. 3 @ 7:00pm Village of Oak Park Board Regular Meeting
Village of Oak Park
Thursday, November 8, 2018Workshop - New special events application process for Village of Oak Park
Representatives of organizations that sponsor special events in the Village are invited to participate in a workshop to learn about the new automated permit application process set to launch in 2019
Village of Oak Park
Monday, April 9, 2018Mon, April 9 @ 7:00PM Reinventing Government Committee meeting
The Reinventing Government Committee will meet to discuss various topics
Village of Oak Park
Monday, March 19, 2018Mon. March 19 @ 7:00pm Village of Oak Park Board meeting
The Board will meet to discuss multiple topics including new taxing task force and greenest region sustainability plan
Village of Oak Park
Monday, March 5, 2018Mon., March 5 @ 7:00PM - VOP Regular Board meeting
The Village of Oak Park board will hold a regular meeting on Monday March 5
Village of Oak Park
Tuesday, February 27, 2018Tues. February 27 @ 7:30pm Village of Liquor Control Review Boardmeeting
Will review application of Mora Asian Kitchen LLC for a Class B-4 Liquor License at 201 Harrison Street
Village of Oak Park
(0) Comments Village of Oak ParkgovernmentMonday, February 26, 2018Tues. February 27 @ 7:00pm Village of Oak Park Board of Health meeting
The VOP Board of Health will meet
VIllage of Oak Park
Monday, February 26, 2018Mon. February 26 @ 7:00pm Village of Oak Park Transportation Commission meeting
The Transportation Commission will meet to discuss the final staff recommendations for the parking pilot program
Village of Oak Park
Monday, February 26, 2018Mon. February 26 @ 7:30pm Village of Oak Park Special Board meeting
VOP will hold a special meeting and discuss information regarding the Lake Street Improvement project
Village of Oak Park
Tuesday, January 30, 2018OPPD Holding Neighborhood Forums on Crime
Oak Park Police have scheduled a series of neighborhood community forums to discuss crime and prevention
Village of Oak Park