One Voice for Arts Showcase and Reception
One Voice for Arts, a recently-formed consortium of arts organizations in the Oak Park and River Forest area, will hold its Showcase on Friday, March 8 from 5:00 – 7:00, at First United Church of Oak Park, 848 Lake Street in Oak Park. The group includes The Symphony of Oak Park & River Forest, Oak Park Festival Theatre, The Oriana Singers, and Pro Musica Youth Chorus.
One Voice for Arts supports the growth of its member entities through innovative shared strategies for audience development and revenue enhancement. One Voice envisions a thriving performing arts community which enters into joint projects that benefit all the partner organizations.
The Showcase will provide the opportunity to learn about this exciting local arts partnership, featuring short performances highlighting the unique work of each partner organization. The Showcase will run 5:00-7:00 pm, with performances beginning at 5:45. There will be refreshments and the chance for attendees to meet with members of the partner arts organizations. One Voice encourages community leaders, local businesses, arts supporters, and members of the public in and around Oak Park, other western suburbs, and Chicago’s West Side to attend. For more information about One Voice or the Showcase, contact OneVoiceforArts@gmail.com.Images
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Date and Time
Friday Mar 8, 2024
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM CSTFriday, March 8, 5-7 pm
First United Church of Oak Park
Free of Charge
Contact Information
Cheryl Flinn
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