• HIGHLIGHTS Chamber's unofficial notes from 01.19.18 River Forest Economic Development Commission Meeting

    HIGHLIGHTS Chamber's unofficial notes from 01.19.18 River Forest Economic Development Commission Meeting



    Meeting Name:  Economic Development Commission, Village of River Forest

    Meeting Date: Fri., Jan. 19 @7:30am

    Meeting Location: Village Hall, Community Room


    Type of Meeting: VRF Commission Regular Meeting


    Led by: Chair Bob O’Connell

    Liaison(s): VOP Village Manager Eric Palm


    Chamber of Commerce Representative in Attendance: Cathy Yen, Executive Director, serving as an ex-officio member of the commission


    Caveat: This document reflects the Chamber representative's own personal notes and highlights of business-related topics discussed at the meeting.  Official meeting minutes of this Public Meeting will be available for review of the VOP website once they are approved by the Commission.


    Chamber’s notes from the Public meeting:

    • Considering a possible business community event to bring together local business people

    • Received updates from various development-related projects in River Forest:  Lake and Lathrop, Lake and Park, Bonnie Brae, Chicago-Harlem, North Avenue TIF, Madison Street - acquisition of LCFS building

    • Meeting for businesses that could be impacted by a TIF on North Avenue will be held on February 21 at 9am.  More information will be available soon on the Village’s website.



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