
    Re-Imaging IDEAS


    Helpful ideas from our business network to pivot, re-image, and make opportunities.



  • Re-opening Ideas



  • Subject: bringing your business back  


    April-June 2020

    Marketing Reopening - updates on

     -Email your client base

    -Social media posts

     -Web site

     -Window signs



     -Market hours and sanitation practices

    -Sign up for the Chamber Covid-19 Safety Pledge


    Overall principles - Maximizing sales while minimizing:

    - Customer proximity to each other

    - Staff proximity to each other

    - Customer contact with surfaces/objects/spaces requiring cleaning



    -Socially distanced people numerical capacity, include employees, have a plan for managing

    -Scheduling appointments

    -Special hours for vulnerable people

    -Document practices for liability reasons

    -Create waiting area for those having to wait to be served

    -How do you minimize the time spent in store by a customer, to allow more to come in

    -How do you minimize touch of items, by staff or customers - put things out of reach so they don't get pawed so much


    Food Industry & Possibly other Industries...

    -Continue to think of takeaway practice

    -Create to-go windows to reduce number of people coming in

    -Get quick-park places for people just stopping in to pick something up

    -Schedule staff in separate rotating teams to minimize number of contacts

    -What type of cleaning can you do DIY and what do you hire pros for?

    -Close off some areas to public to limit people-exposure

    -Minimizing those working in space reduces both risk and cleaning

    -Internal communications could still be done virtually even with return to office to minimize in-person contact

    -Consider bathroom/breakroom cleaning procedures

    -Think about family meals to go, other family-size to go

    -Fewer items on menus, it's OK to run out of things, use FOMO to your advantage, make people order in advance

    -Offers curated experiences

    -Think of staff appreciation gifts



    Things to think about:

     -Staff training on sanitation and social distancing practices

    -Obtain materials needed for new plans

    -Adjust hours to allow staff time on cleaning, etc.

    -Add staff - someone to open the door for folks, issue gloves and hand sanitizer?

    -Other ideas so customers need not touch (POS system?) and how can you minimize touching?

    -Space modifications:

         -sneeze shields for cash registers

         -widen aisles to allow socially-distanced passage

         -one-way aisles; plan for traffic flow

         -mark floors for checkout social distancing

         -keep front door open so no one has to touch it

         -adopt any outdoor areas as retail/service space

    -Rotate stock so that stuff touched by customers sits in back for a couple of days to let germs die

     -Continued curbside pickup, delivery service for customers while also doing in-store - address staffing needs

    -Security considerations with open doors and everyone wearing masks?


    Customer Psychology:

    -Customers may not be ready to come back just because it's legal - communicate willingness to continue noncontact/remote service

    -People are ready for positivity, brightness, joy - keep it in mind in advertising, product mix, etc.