• Overview of Area Business Districts

  • Merchant Associations are common in retail and shopping districts across the country.  These member-based organizations bring together local merchants to organize retail events, join forces to split advertising costs, share the cost of holiday decorations and lobby the municipal government for street scape improvements and incentives.  In Oak Park, there are twelve merchant associations are known as "business districts."  River Forest has not yet officially organized its retail areas, but refers to the three areas a "corridors."  Most of the focus in Forest Park is on Madison Street, but there is a vibrant business district on Roosevelt as well.

    For more in depth information, read the 6-part series on how our local business districts function in the "The Business of Business Districts Series" on the Chamber's blog.

    Part 1: First in a Series

    Part 2: Downtown Oak Park

    Part 3: Let's Form a Committee

    Part 4: Staying Informed

    Part 5: State of the Districts

    Part 6: River Forest

  • Oak Park Business Districts
  • River Forest Lake & Park
  • Chicago-Harlem Maple Place Groundbreaking
  • Oak Park Madison Street
  • Oak Park Hemingway District